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Welcome to Coventry Soccer Association's U16 and U19 Divisions!

U16/U19 Division Details

U16 and U19:
Recreational SCSL U16, and U19: This program usually meets for practice once to twice a week and one game each weekend for eight to ten sessions in the fall season or spring season. The Club Registrar and Coaches for this age group, form mixed gender teams of 14 to 18 players each season, based on age, and experience.  The games (with goalies) are 11 vs. 11 with league assigned referees, and are played against similarly formed teams from surrounding clubs (20 miles or less away). Referee fees are paid from the club Treasury via the coaches. Opposing coaches are to be on opposite sides of the field with their team and behind the touchline (sideline) during play.

**Please note: If there are not enough players to form separate U16 and U19 teams, one combined team will be made - playing in the U19 Division for Spring 2025.  If the majority of players are Under 16 years of age (75% or more), the combined team will play in the U16 Division.

The program goals are:
1. Ball control
2.Attack and Defense
3. Team play
4. Systems of Play
The FIFA laws of the game, and rules established by the league the team plays in, govern play.

FIELD Field dimensions are nominally 110 yards by 65 yards.

BALL Size 5

PLAYERS 11 players on the field including a goalkeeper All players are to play a minimum of one-half of every game All players are to have game experience in all positions (except goalie) All players not in the game are to remain outside the touchline (sideline)

PLAYERS EQUIPMENT Shin guards are mandatory, no jewelry or hooded clothing, pants or socks must cover hard plastic faced shin guards. Shin guards MUST be worn under long socks.  Cleats cannot be metal and cannot have a toe cleat. 

DURATION OF GAME Two halves of 35 minutes each, with 5 minutes between halves

SUBSTITUTIONS For injuries, before goal kicks (either team),after goals (either team), before a throw-in (team with possession)

OFFSIDES Off sides is applicable

FOULS & MISCONDUCT Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and fans

FREE KICKS Players must yield 10 yards on free kicks.

Where do we play:  typically play locally; Boyertown, Perkiomen Valley, Pottsgrove, Amity, and Phoenixville.  
When are the games:  We play on Saturdays and some Sundays and the times vary week to week.  

Additional Information:  Check out the teams and field directions on the website: This website is used to manage our game schedule during the season.

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